Friday, 17 February 2012

configuring SQL server 7.0 client on a windows xp pro machine

I am about to attempt to configure a SQL server 7.0 client on a windows XP
workstation. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice that will make this
install go smoothly?
I am not sure what will happen, but any advice would be helpful.
Edward Letendre
As in the MDAC stack?
XP has MDAC v2.8, which is backward compatible with SQL 7.0
Mike Epprecht, Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Zurich, Switzerland
MVP Program:
"Edward Letendre" <> wrote in
> I am about to attempt to configure a SQL server 7.0 client on a windows XP
> workstation. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice that will make
> install go smoothly?
> I am not sure what will happen, but any advice would be helpful.
> Edward Letendre
|||Actually I was talking about installing the SQL server client software on a
windows xp professional workstation. I just inserted the cd and followed the
instructions. Everything seemed to work.
I also setup the ODBC settings for the various databases that were to be
connected for various applications that are used on this workstation.
Are there anything else I should look into with SQL server 7.0 and windows
xp professional.
Are there any updates to any of the drivers, applications, etc?
Edward Letendre.
"Mike Epprecht (SQL MVP)" wrote:

> Client?
> As in the MDAC stack?
> XP has MDAC v2.8, which is backward compatible with SQL 7.0
> Regards
> --
> Mike Epprecht, Microsoft SQL Server MVP
> Zurich, Switzerland
> IM:
> MVP Program:
> Blog:
> "Edward Letendre" <> wrote in
> message
> this
|||Just make sure you apply the latest SQL 7 Service Pack to your client.
David Gugick
Imceda Software
Edward Letendre wrote:
> Actually I was talking about installing the SQL server client
> software on a windows xp professional workstation. I just inserted
> the cd and followed the instructions. Everything seemed to work.
> I also setup the ODBC settings for the various databases that were
> to be connected for various applications that are used on this
> workstation.
> Are there anything else I should look into with SQL server 7.0 and
> windows xp professional.
> Are there any updates to any of the drivers, applications, etc?

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