Friday, 24 February 2012

Conflict data automatic cleanup

What replication parameter sets the interval in which data in the
conflict tables is deleted in SQL Server 2000 SP4?
The data in my conflict tables appears to be deleted every night.
From BOL: "The Merge Agent deletes data from the conflict table if it is
older than the conflict retention period for the publication, which is
specified using the @.conflict_retention parameter of sp_addmergepublication
(the default is 14 days)."
Paul Ibison SQL Server MVP, .
|||the default is every 14 days. You set it with @.conflict_retention parameter
of sp_addmergepublication
Hilary Cotter
Director of Text Mining and Database Strategy
RelevantNOISE.Com - Dedicated to mining blogs for business intelligence.
This posting is my own and doesn't necessarily represent RelevantNoise's
positions, strategies or opinions.
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"zebra1024" <> wrote in message
> What replication parameter sets the interval in which data in the
> conflict tables is deleted in SQL Server 2000 SP4?
> The data in my conflict tables appears to be deleted every night.
|||I thought that was the parameter but my conflict tables seem to be
cleaned out each night even though this parameter is set to 14. Does
generating the snapshots clean out these tables also?
Paul Ibison wrote:
> From BOL: "The Merge Agent deletes data from the conflict table if it is
> older than the conflict retention period for the publication, which is
> specified using the @.conflict_retention parameter of sp_addmergepublication
> (the default is 14 days)."
> Cheers,
> Paul Ibison SQL Server MVP, .
|||I just tested this and apparently generating the snapshots does clean
out the conflict tables.
zebra1024 wrote:[vbcol=seagreen]
> I thought that was the parameter but my conflict tables seem to be
> cleaned out each night even though this parameter is set to 14. Does
> generating the snapshots clean out these tables also?
> Paul Ibison wrote:
|||Very interesting - thanks for the update. I'll request a BOL update for
this, as it is not mentioned in the right place (if at all).
Paul Ibison SQL Server MVP, .

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