Friday, 24 February 2012

Conflict Viewer included with MSDE 2000 Release A?

It seems that installing MSDE 2000 Release A does not install the conflict viewer, and therefore if a subscription is set to allow interactive conflict resolution at the client, it will not work...
Does anyone have the definitive answers to the following?
- Is Conflict Viewer supposed to be included with MSDE 2000 Rel A?
- Was it included in versions of MSDE prior to Rel A (my research has indicated that it was)?
- Is Conflict Viewer redistributable (hopefully there's a merge module somewhere?!)
- Does any other MS product apart from SQL Server install the Conflict Viewer (we have observed that certain machines that don't have SQL Server installed still have the conflict viewer...)?
Just for more information, our scenario is as follows:
- SQL Server 2000 database server, set with a publication allowing anonymous pull subscriptions, and articles set up to allow interactive conflict resolution.
- MSDE 2000 Rel A clients, with anonymous pull subscriptions to the server. When an on-demand synchronisation is attempted, we get the following message - "the process failed to
get information about the interactive resolver component from the
- If the files under Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Database Replication are manually copied across and registered, it all works.
There's other posts asking similar questions in the replication discussion group, from Tanya Milanova and markeboy, but the answers given don't answer the question about redistribution of the component...
Cheers, Jim
Conflict Viewer as well as all the other tools for setting up and
maintaining replication on SQL Server 2000 are part of Enterprise Manager
and are not (and never have been) part of the MSDE distribution. The SQL
Server 2000 client tools (EM) cannot be legally redistributed.
"Jim Kirton" <> wrote in message
> It seems that installing MSDE 2000 Release A does not install the conflict
viewer, and therefore if a subscription is set to allow interactive conflict
resolution at the client, it will not work...
> Does anyone have the definitive answers to the following?
> - Is Conflict Viewer supposed to be included with MSDE 2000 Rel A?
> - Was it included in versions of MSDE prior to Rel A (my research has
indicated that it was)?
> - Is Conflict Viewer redistributable (hopefully there's a merge module
> - Does any other MS product apart from SQL Server install the Conflict
Viewer (we have observed that certain machines that don't have SQL Server
installed still have the conflict viewer...)?
> Just for more information, our scenario is as follows:
> - SQL Server 2000 database server, set with a publication allowing
anonymous pull subscriptions, and articles set up to allow interactive
conflict resolution.
> - MSDE 2000 Rel A clients, with anonymous pull subscriptions to the
server. When an on-demand synchronisation is attempted, we get the following
message - "the process failed to
> get information about the interactive resolver component from the
> registry".
> - If the files under Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Database
Replication are manually copied across and registered, it all works.
> There's other posts asking similar questions in the replication discussion
group, from Tanya Milanova and markeboy, but the answers given don't answer
the question about redistribution of the component...
> Cheers, Jim

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