Friday, 24 February 2012

Conflict table cleanup interval

What replication parameter sets the interval in which data in the conflict tables is deleted in SQL Server 2000 SP4?Apparently when the snapshots are generated the conflict tables are cleaned out as part of the process. This was causing my conflicts to disappear each night when the snapshot agent ran.|||

Rerunning snapshot should not be cleaning the tables.

@.conflict_retention governs how long the data will be kept in these tables before purging.

|||If I have data in the conflict tables and then execute the snapshot SQL Agent job the conflict tables are cleaned out. I have the @.conflict_retention value set to 90 days.
The publication is a filtered merge publication.|||

Sorry I missed your earlier comment that this was SQL Server 2000.

This is a known issue in SQL Server 2000 and has been fixed in SQL Server 2005.

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